Prominent retail premises in close proximity to the Cathedral and Gloucester Cross.
The property is a prominent end terrace building with part rendered brick elevations under a flat felt roof. The accommodation is provided over three upper floors with storage in the basement.
The vacant unit has a fully glazed double frontage and benefits from a glazed return frontage on College Court. It comprises the main retail area, an office, store and WC facilities and the specification includes a suspended ceiling with inset lighting, laminate floor and air conditioning has been installed.
The ceiling height is 3.13m. The upper floors are self-contained and accessed off College Court.
The property is situated in a prominent position at the junction of College Court within the pedestrianis ed section of Westgate Street and in close proximity to the Cathedral and Gloucester Cross, which is traditionally regarded as the City centre.
Gloucester is well connected to the motorway network, being served by three junctions of the M5; junction 11 provides access via the A40 (3 miles), junction12 to the south (5 miles) and junction 11a (3 miles) connects to the Brockworth Bypass, Cirencester/Swindon and the M4 motorway at junction 15 (34 miles).
Other occupiers in close proximity include William Hill, McDonalds, Poundstretcher and KFC.
- Fully glazed double frontage
- Ancillary office
- Dry storage
- WCs
- Suspended ceiling
- Air conditioning
- Inset lighting
- A3 Use
- Attractive Period Property
- Good Natural Light
- Good Passing Trade
Ofcom Information
The data displayed on broadband coverage availability uses source data from Ofcom. The predicted speeds provided in the API data are provided by the leading UK ISPs. We understand that Ofcom did not receive data for every premise in the UK, and that Ofcom continue to work with industry to fill in the gaps. If no predictions are shown for your address, this does not necessarily mean broadband is not available and we suggest that you check availability on the ISP websites.
The data displayed on mobile coverage availability uses source data made available by Ofcom which is based on data from the mobile operators about how strong they think signal levels are at every location in the UK. Each mobile operator has a slightly different approach to displaying coverage on its own map, including assumptions on the handsets used, levels of call reliability and the expected signal loss when indoors or in car. Because Ofcom brings all mobile operator data together in a single place and holds it to a single, independent standard, the mobile coverage availability information above may display different levels of coverage than those seen on the operators' websites. We would therefore recommend you also check the mobile provider's coverage checker. Mobile coverage data is created by coverage modelling, and since this is based on computer predictions is not error free.
Ofcom update the source data regularly (every month) and the mobile network operators update theirs, but there may be times when the maps are based on slightly different data and therefore show different coverage.
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